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Imminent visit to Timbuktu
In February 2011, a group of the Jump4Timbuktu team are heading to Timbuktu, to spend an intensive ten days to observe the progress made in the past year, and to develop the plans for 2011 and beyond.
A major focus of the visit will be to focus on the food security project. Having secured funding to develop the pilot project that was implemented last year, the team hopes to progress plans to extend the project into two new villages, and also to start a project on the edge of Timbuktu city itself.
These food security projects are not about commercial food production. They focus on enabling families to feed themselves: Individual families are each given a small plot which they themselves can tend; preparing the land, planting seeds, and eventually harvesting nutritious vegetables which will boost their food intake and their energies. Any surplus vegetables will be sold in local markets, thus improving their livelihoods and family welfare.
Of course, we will also be talking with the artisan jewellery makers too! During our visit, we will be putting a lot of energy and enthusiasm into discussing with our local partners issues of quality control and supply chain management, to ensure that their unique products reflect quality craftsmanship and materials.
We will update you on our progress on our return.